Романо-германських мов

Bilaniuk Laada. Contested Tongues: Language Politics and Cultural Correction in Ukraine. Ithaca and London: Cornell UP, 2005. 230 p. Paper. $24.95

Unfortunately, we do not have enough monographs in English devoted to the in-depth research of contemporary situation with the Ukrainian language and specifically rapid and fascinating changes after the collapse of the Soviet Union and emergence of a new country…


Styshov O.A. Ukrains’ka leksyka kintsia XX stolittia (na materiali movy zasobiv masovoi informatsii). 2-e vydannia, pereroblene. – Kyiv: Puhach, 2005. – 388 pp. Struhanets’ Liubov. Dynamika leksychnykh norm ukrains’koi literaturnoi movy XX stolittia. –Ternopil’: Aston, 2002. – 352 pp. Mazuryk…