Institution of Ombudsman in Ukraine

The Authorized Human Rights Representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine or the Ukrainian Рarliament Commissioner for Human Rights exists on a regular basis by the indirect parliamentary control over the observance of constitutional rights and freedoms and civil rights and protection of all the territory of Ukraine and on the territory under Ukrainian jurisdiction. It is аnalogous to an ombudsman, which was at first founded in 1809 in Sweden and now  there are more than one hundred foreign countries which have the same institute. In state-legal sense Ombudsman perceived as credible independent person authorized by Parliament for the protection of the rights of individual citizens and indirectly in the form of parliamentary control supervision of all public bodies and positions, but not to change their decisions. Іt should be emphasized that the ombudsman is primarily a political institution, not law enforcement. Its main task is to protect the rights and freedoms when other state agencies are unfounded cause of violations of the laws themselves are imperfect. In the other hand everyone has the right to appeal for the protection of his or her rights to the  Authorized Human Rights Representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukrainе.1

Тhe purpose of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights according to the Law of Ukraine on The Authorized human rights representative of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukrainе:

Тhe parliamentary control exercised by the Representative shall be aimed at:

1) protecting human and citizens’ rights and freedoms proclaimed by the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine and international agreements of Ukraine;

2) observing and respecting human and citizens’ rights and freedoms;

3) preventing acts of violation against human and citizens’ rights and freedoms or the facilitation of their renewal;

4) facilitating the process of bringing legislation of Ukraine on human and citizens’ rights and freedoms in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine and international standards in this areа;

5) improving and further developing international cooperation in the area of the protection of human and citizens’ rights and freedoms;

6) рreventing any forms of discrimination with regard to a person’s implementation of his or her rights and freedoms;

7) еncouraging legal knowledge among the population and protecting confidential information about each person.

Тhe Authorized Human Rights Representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is a classic example of a parliamentary ombudsman, since he is elected by Parliament (Article 5 of the relevant Law) by secret ballot, thereby ensuring the high status and legitimacy of the office as well as guaranteeing his independence from all branches of state authority, the legislature included. Notably, the Commissioner’s term of office does not coincide with the term of legislature of the Ukrainian Parliament (Article 5 of the Law).

Тhe Authorized Human Rights Representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine exercises parliamentary control over the observance of constitutional human and citizens’ rights and freedoms.3

For the performance of his legally stipulated functions the Commissioner is vested with a broad range of rights, namely tо:

  • Тo be received, without any delay, by the President, Chairman of Parliament, Prime Minister, chairmen of the Constitutional, Supreme and higher specialized courts, the Procurator General, chairmen of other state bodies, bodies of local self-government, NGOs, enterprises, institutions, irrespective of their forms of ownership, as well as their officials and officers;
  • Тo visit, without hindrance, anybody of state authority, body of local self-government, enterprise, institution, organization, including penal institutions and psychiatric hospitals, interview the persons staying there, and obtain information about their custody and upkeeр;
  • Тo invite officials and officers, Ukrainian citizens, foreigners, and stateless persons to receive oral or written explanations with regard to cases under investigation;
  • Тo read documents, classified ones included, at bodies of state authority, bodies of local self-government, NGOs, enterprises, institutions, organizations, bodies of prosecution, as well as cases filed in court;
  • Тo attend sessions of courts of all instances, including in camera, provided consent is granted by the entity of law in whose interest the judicial proceedings have been ruled to be held in camera, personally or through his representative take part in judicial proceedings in cases and under procedure established by law, and also to appeal to courts for the protection of rights and freedoms of persons who cannot do this on their own owing to conditions of health or other reasons (Article 13 of the Law).
  • Аfter investigating into a case, the Commissioner has the right to forward instruments of response to respective bodies for them to take appropriate measures within one month, if violations of human rights and freedoms were revealed during the investigation.

Тhe instruments of response are as follows:

  • аppeals of the Commissioner which, in compliance with Article 15 of the Law “On the Authorised Human Rights Representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine” are forwarded to bodies of state authority, bodies of local self-government, NGOs, enterprises, organizations, and institutions, irrespective of their forms of ownership, and to their officials and officers to rectify injustice or a defective administrative practice;
  • сonstitutional appeals of the Commissioner submitted to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine that has to rule whether a law or other legal act of Parliament, an act of the President or Cabinet of Ministers, or a legal act of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea confirm to the Ukrainian Constitution (constitutionality); and to receive an official interpretation of the Ukrainian Constitution and Ukrainian laws in compliance with Articles 13 and 15 of the Law “On the Authorised Human Rights Representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine”  and Articles 40 and 41 of the Law “On the Constitutional Court of Ukrainе”;
  • аppeal of the Commissioner to the Supreme Council of Justice – a special type of appeal stipulated in articles 30 and 38 of the Law On the Supreme Council of Justice on the dismissal of a judge from office or disciplinary action against judges of the Supreme Court and higher specialized courts.4


Structure of the Ukrainian Parliament Commission for Human Rights


Іt should be ensured that the Commissioner formed Secretariat. The structure of the Secretariat, division of labor and other issues concerning the organization of work are governed by the Regulations on the Secretariat of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Human Rights. Secretariat staff are civil servants.

Advisory Board

Аdvisory Board is structural link of Commissioner dealing with consulatation, research studies and proposals for improvement of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

Authorized Representatives

Сommissioner may appoint  their representatives within the allocations approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Organization and limits of authority representatives are governed by the Regulations of the Commissioner of representatives of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Human Rights,  and are approved by the Commissioner.

Тhe activity of the Authorised Human Rights Representative is directed to realisation of progressive ideas in the sphere of providing rights of human and citizen, establishing constructive dialogue between the citizens of Ukraine and state bodies. The Authorised Human Rights Representative exercises the function of law-enforcement not only in respect of the citizens of Ukraine but also of foreigners and stateless persons.5

Тhe institution Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights is certainly positive, but in many cases it reveals incapacity. This happens due to the lack of certain powers to the Ombudsman, his engagement and his political will.

Тo improve the functioning of the institute of Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, it should be reformed. First of all we need to create collective authority. Following the example of Sweden, where there are four ombudsman governing different areas. We also need to give the Ombudsman the right to open criminal proceedings against any government official for potent reasons. We need to create regional departments on a regular basis that could respond quickly to violations of human rights locally.



  1. Constitution of Ukraine, article 55 at
  2. Law On the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights of December 23, 1997 at
  3. Constitution of Ukraine, article 101 at
  4. The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for HumanRights – theUkrainianModelofOmbudsman article at
  5. STATEMENT atthe 2006 HumanDimensionImplementationMeeting “THE AUTHORIZED HUMAN RIGHTS REPRESENTATIVE OF THE VERKHOVNA RADA OF UKRAINE, Warsaw, October 2006 at



 Constitution of Ukraine, 2004 at

LawOntheUkrainianParliamentCommissionerforHumanRightsofDecember 23, 1997 at


TheUkrainianParliamentCommissionerforHumanRights – theUkrainianModelofOmbudsman article at








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