Impact factors of media on today’s youth culture of communication

This article analyzes the content and nature of the concept of «culture of speech» and «linguistic norm» and elucidation of factors influence the media to communicate contemporary youth culture.

Key words: culture of speech, language norm, media, modern youth.

Language – is the wealth of the nation. It is an indicator of intelligence and civilization of the people. Unfortunately, we can observe a decline of civilization, especially among today’s youth.

Today, the topic of speech is extremely important. Many people believes that the media has the greatest impact on today’s youth communication.

The influence of the media on society studied personality G. Lassuel, M. Makluen, C. Wright; media features distinguish B. Firson, I. Fomicheva, N. Bogomolova, S. Shandruk, L. Masol; address the imoact of the media on the personality G. Apostolov, V. Arbenina, A. Wolanska and others.

Radio, television, newspapers and magazines broke into the society. But we should not forget about how it conveys information. From early childhood man is in the information field, it cannot live without information, perceiving it through many channels, and on the basis of processing forms its behavior.

The means of modern media include publications, newspapers, photographs, sound recordings, radio, cinema, television, video and multimedia computer systems, including the Internet.

All these means inherent quality that they share – an appeal to a mass audience, accessibility to many people, corporate nature of production and distribution of information. The media must help a wider audience.

Each type of media has its own specialization edition for women; political newspapers; religious press; environmental media; agrarian press [8, p. 18].

At present there is no straight influence of the media and bilateral nature. The interaction of these two social phenomena takes place against the backdrop of modern broadcasting. It is necessary to pay attention to how modernity is speaking.

Personality is formed by many elements of the socio-cultural environment. The media is one of these elements. They not only provide our domestic environment of information-standing aesthetic environment but also create value orientation.

The important role in this aspect is an impact on the teenager as a person that can easily succumb to the influence of the media, the arts, culture, aesthetic environment organization, activities, relationships and environment [8, p. 19].

Recently, we often encounter manifestations of vulgarity, lack of taste, cynicism and cruelty. The cognitive transfers were gone, the ones that teach something. The behavior and manners of the frame and leading members of transfers is unprofessional and unethical. However, the basis of human morality is a moral quality that serves as one of the internal mechanisms underlying moral choice and self-regulation of behavior; determine the level of social activity and maturity of people, their moral culture.

Teens actively penetrate the social life in this age is extremely intense absorption kid ethical rules, norms and principles of formation related habits of moral behavior and moral character of the individual. Changing social situation of child development education necessitates a certain set of moral qualities of his personality that would allow him to adapt quickly to new social conditions and would serve as the basis for further moral education. That is why, more than ever, important is the question of the impact of the media, and above all – television, broadcasting the culture of today’s youth.

The amount of time that a person spends watching TV is impressive. In 1986, scientists from the University of Missouri began to study the effect of formal elements of TV – installation, play, assaults, noise, light – research on human reflex. The researchers concluded that these stylistic devices actually cause a person involuntary reaction and thus keep his attention [4, p. 36].

It should be noted that young people nowadays stratified, like other segments of the population of Ukraine, they suffer most from want. These conditions are dangerous underestimation of the educational influence of television on young generation that chooses its own path in life, and «on which way it will go – honest and victorious, is criminal and criminal depends not only its own future, but the future of the whole nation, all of our independent state» [7, p. 34].

Adolescence completes preparation for independent life, the formation of values, world view, and the choice of professional work and civil significance of individual approval. As a result, under the influence of social and personal factors rebuilt the entire system of relations with the youth and the people around him changing his attitude to himself. With age, the influence of social factors on the psychological development of man increases. The physical formation is almost over, but for all that there is «the most valuable acquisition – the opening of his inner world». There is a shift from external control to the government. It is necessary to control the information, which the young man begins to look like in its internal and external surrounding his world. It is therefore natural that at this age is often a strong attraction to the media [2, p. 68].

For a long time, television was considered safe, but recently many states that frequent and haphazard watching TV can lead to bad consequences for the mental development of children. At a time when the first generation was growing up «screen» children, these effects become more apparent. There is a sharp decline imagination and creativity of children. They lose the ability and desire to take something himself. Do not strive for the invention of games, to create your own imaginary world. It is dull for them to draw, design. They do not interest and not exciting. Lack inner world is reflected in the relationship between children.

One of the main impacts of media on youth is broadcasting. Looking various TV shows, young people listen, of course, the culture of communication. They will not think of driving errors that often occur during their speech. Members believe that talk as shown on television – it is right, in a word – «it’s cool». Children begin to memorize the quote wrong with certain TV programs and thus boast before their peers, believing that this is the culture of communication.

It is believed that television reflects in children a love of books. This convinced the majority of teachers and parents, but not children. Children telemann so addicted to viewing all possible TV and movies that it adversely affects their health.

The most common errors on television that most effect on today’s youth culture of communication is doublespeak errors that Russian words spoken in Ukrainian system or Ukrainian words decorated in Russian: iron, step, of course etc. Such words included in our language intruders. The youth of today are so accustomed to them, and did not notice as they thwarted the mouth. However, the man who watches his speech, in his culture and cleanliness few borrowings from Russian drink less, drink not at all, but most speakers, unfortunately, does not think about his speech, not listening to himself, for which it obtained macaronic [5].

Imperfect in the media is the use of vocative case as signs of the Ukrainian language. Ukrainian language belongs to the Slavic languages, kept vocative, while others lost it. It is important to form a shape vocative case. His are all nouns first, second and third differences in the singular. But he rarely formed from nouns of the third declension, because it is mostly the names of objects, concepts, to which no one appeals, although there is this form. It is also important to remember that the Ukrainian language expressed in the form of appeals vocative case: Mr. Maksymchuk. And, unfortunately, the use of the media as signs vocative case Ukrainian language is imperfect [3, p. 66].

Equally important factor of media influence on modern youth culture of communication are errors in discourse, the choice morphological forms of construction and syntax. And so sometimes we are imperfect expressions in the pages of local newspapers, TV, radio, etc: nevertheless – but diminished – was less take place – take place [5].

Sometimes the media and stylistic errors occur that also affect the culture broadcasting youth. In the context of the style should not talk about such a vocabulary that most dictionaries to language enters circulation, but a careful analysis still reflects its stylistic shortcomings. First and foremost on the use of synonyms Our School – National University «Ostroh Academy» has a contract (agreement) with the Polish university.

Special attention needs so-called americanization of language Ukrainian media space. Ukrainian-American doublespeak has become a phenomenon independent of our information space. English-language borrowing is often unintelligible to ordinary readers. Number of Anglicisms in one sentence sometimes reaches such numbers that the person is no longer able to perceive information: General Director of the holding, consulting or trust organizes training courses gives business plans, quotations is listed under the margin of the National Bank [5].

Sometimes young people who are accustomed to the borrowed words seem impossible to select Ukrainian counterparts. But it is not. For example, popular among young people kanyeshno word is in Ukrainian language their counterparts: of course.

Slang words have lexical equivalents in the literary language, and can be identified only through narrative structure. We use the words of jargon musicians (parties, spin), the youth slang (funny, rasslabuha). Vocabulary a style highly influences the formation of speech culture of today’s youth and adolescents are leaving in the memory.

Like modern information provided by media or not (despite the correctness and accuracy), it is an integral part of market processes i modern life as a whole. The task of the media – is monitoring of the environment to inform the people all the «hot» news. Media reported the news, having to teach people. Focusing on scope personality, the hidden instincts information of different types, movies and advertising exert pressure on rights. Especially under this effect is youth. First, in search of popular scientific information it often for adults refers to the Internet, magazines, and all these streams early accompanied by advertising, erotic pictures. Secondly, young people more emotionally vulnerable, susceptible. Thirdly, young people longer than adults, conducted near this TV. In the media widely advertised drinks, cigarettes. This is adolescent’s affects. Young men identify themselves gay, «funky» carefree boys and girls in video, strong and men from harmful habits, which are used to achieve all the power which constantly show films in fact i «beautiful life», which is a way of life. This attitude to life around i and i divergence ideals quite often lead to serious consequences – is aggression, alcoholism, frequent depression, nervous mind [10].

Thus, today’s youth must think and not to forget about their culture communication. In my opinion, this is the key to success in the future. After all, the art of words – this is the best gift that a person can have.


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